Why it is the most important thing to have a detox sea salt bath within 24h of your EE session

Having spent time inside of our 24-unit Energy Enhancement System, you will need to start the detoxification protocols within 24 hours. When the body is given the energy to re-charge, the first thing it will want to do, is to clean house. It will want to discharge all the toxins, spike proteins and heavy metals that do not belong inside you.


The body has its own natural detoxification systems, such as the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system, which will work to remove the heavy metals and toxins from inside of your body. The EES will accelerate this process, thus your body will need help to reduce the burden on your natural detoxification system.

When we have a hot bath, our pores and capillaries open. The largest organ of elimination is the skin. It is the fastest way to extract toxins, as well as heavy metals from our bodies. When we combine EE sessions with a hot sea-salt bath, we create the perfect cleansing environment which creates a chemical bond. 

It is recommended to have a full body bath, the more skin is in the water the better the detox will be. If you don’t have a bath at home or can’t go somewhere else to use a bath the next best thing is a foot bath soak.

In simple terms, sea-salt is a negative charge and the toxins/heavy metals in our bodies are a positive charge working together, like a magnet, using a pulling force to extract these toxins from the body. By helping to remove those toxins from your body, it will cleanse it and quadruple mitochondria activity.